Me! MEMEMEME! I know that a lot of you must think that I have fallen off of the face of the earth. But, no, I am still here and still kicking! I have had a crazy month. Friends, family, spring break, NCAA march madnesss.... take your pick. So, I have neglected my blogging duties. For that, I am truly sorry. But, onto the me part. I saw this on Tanja's blog. I will tell you 100 things about me. Whew... Here goes.
100. I love photoshop. I am a photographer, and boy, does it help.
99. I am really good at photoshop. I know that program like the back of my hand.
98. I hate trying to build a website. I am not wired for it. At all.
97. I like Barack Obama. Go ahead, judge me.
96. I was in the Air force. It seems like a lifetime ago.
95. I love soccer.
94. I love Tennessee.
93. My mom is an amazing cook. She is amazing in general. I am so lucky that I have her for a mom. She makes the best biscuits in the world.
92. My dad knows everything. He can fix anything. He has an amazing heart. One of the most non-judgemental and supportive people I know.
91. I am determined. And Stubborn.
90. I had a wild streak. A big one. Back in my college days.
89. I dated one my college professors. Yep, I was that girl. Oh well, life went on.
88. I have been married for 10 years. Crazy. Seems like and lifetime but also seems like only yesterday.
87. It is crazy to think that kids that were in Kindergarden when I got married are now sophmores in high school.
86. My best friend growing up was Holly.
85. HOlly came and saw me a few months ago. That is a great friend.
84. I can name all of my friends on one hand.
83. I don't trust people very much. Gotta work on that one.
82. I have an unnatural obsession with shoes. So does my friend Jacqueline. We feed off of that with one another.
81. My son is incredibly smart. Not the type of smart where they say, "Mommy, the sun is round. Isn't that great!" The type of smart where he says, "Mommy, the reason that you are burning up is because when the sun shines through the window of the car, it is refracted throughout the car but doesn't escape. If you are so hot, turn the A/C on." Yep, shuts me up often.
80. My daugher has gorgeous hair. Not from me. From her aunts, on Ali's side.
79. I have an insane ipod list. From Gangsta Rap, 80's hair bands, Grateful Dead, Harry Conick Jr., Al Martino, to Casting Crowns.
78. When I was in high school I thought I was disgusting. Now I am disgusted with myself for ever thinking that.
77. I worry that my daughter will think that she is disgusting when she is in high school. I never want her to feel that way.
76. My son is emotional. I love that he has a sensitive side, but I hate to hear him cry.
75. I love my dog. It is weird. HE has his own wardrobe. I am a weird dog lady.
74. I love tattoos. I love to look at them. I love Miami Ink, and all those other shows about tattoo artists. I like the stories behind them. I don't have any.
73. I used to live in Tucson. I hated it then. I miss it now.
72. Went to Tucson last year to see my friend Retire/Graduate. I cried when I saw my old house.
71. That house has now been knocked down for them to build new ones. I cried when I heard that.
70. When I went to the BX last year to get a drink, my drink, Arizona Asian Plum Tea, was still in the same spot in the BX. The same lady was still working there. I felt like I had stepped into an alternate universe. Weird.
69. I say the word weird way too much.
68. Too many things are weird.
67. I love to read people's blogs. Especially Tanja's. She is funny.
66. I am not a fan of reading books. It takes too much time.
65. I have read all of Barack Obama's books.
64. I love to watch movies at home. I hate to go to the theater.
63. I have to have a diet coke at the theater. Then I have to go to the bathroom. They don't rewind the movie so you can see what you missed at the theater. That annoys me.
62. I love starbucks. I love coffee. I often drink too much so it makes me jittery. Trying to switch to decaf.
61. We have Wawa here in Fredericksburg. I love WAWA. Apparently they have good hot dogs.
60. I hate hot dogs.
59. I am a "bettin'" kind of girl. I love to make bets. Even if there is nothing at stake.
58. I am as competitive as the come. I hate to lose.
57. I am full of useless information. I am a geek.
56. I love dinosaurs.
55. I love rocks. Rocks are cool. I relate to Ross on Friends.
54. My friend Jacqueline has to help me dress. I skipped that gene. I am a sweats and tshirts kind of girl.
53. Yoga gives me solace. It calms me down. I love it.
52. I love the gym. I love to put my ipod on and get on a spin bike and go.
51. I am a baptist. I go to spotswood. I love my church.
50. I don't like nursery duty. I know I should, but I don't.
49. I love my kids more than anything. I make them help me during nursery duty sometimes. They make it more bearable.
48. I have stretch marks that make me want to puke. But, at times, I am proud of them. Those are from my kids.
47. I had cancer. Breast cancer. Never thought that I would die. Now I think about how I could've died all the time. Weird.
46. I didn't know my dad's mom. That makes me sad.
45. My grandfather on my mom's side died when I was really little. I think that is sad.
44. I grew up in a small town. I miss it. I know I could never live there again.
43. I offically consider Fredericksburg home. It has taken a long time. I never want to leave here.
42. I like Glory days. I don't like Tarheels fans at Glory Days. The get on my nerves.
41. I am not a fan of jewelry. I like silver hoop earrings. Big ones. That make me feel like a rebel.
40. I still like it when I feel like a rebel.
39. I like cars with tinted windows.
38. I want to tint the windows of my car. It is a red Matrix.
37. I have a personalized license plate. My husband hates it. It makes me laugh.
36. I like to wear baseball hats, though I don't do it often. They are fun to mess with when you get stressed out during a ball game.
35. I have an aerogarden.
34. I have pictures of people I don't even know all over my house. I mean, I took the pictures, but they aren't family or anything. Just cool shots.
33. I like to have a tan.
32. I like listening to music really loud and singing at the top of my lungs.
31. I like to dance. Gangsta style. That's the way I roll.
30. I am now laughing at myself because I called myself, the tennessee hillbilly, gangsta. I think I am funny.
29. One of the best phrases I ever heard, "Chocolate, YES! Fish, Noooooooo!"
28. I love to have a clean house. I hate to clean it. It puts me quite in a conundrum.
27. I like to use big words.
26. Sometimes I don't use them correctly.
25. I love the beach. I love the sun. I love the way that your hair feels sticky when you are there. I also love to wash my feet off with the little showers before you go back up to your room. Not the one for feet, the shower one. And try not to get your clothes soaking wet.
24. I love West Palm Beach. I could live there forever. Most beautiful place I have ever been.
23. I love comedians. I think I am one.
22. I love Victoria's Secret. I like for my shampoo, mousee, conditioner, hairspray, body wash, and perfume to all be the same scent.
21. Not a fan of bath and body works. Used to be, but then I discover VS.
20. I am in denial that I still have an accent.
19. I like big silver bangle braclets.
18. I rarely ever have cash on me.
17. I have a blackberry. I love it. I sleep with it. I am one of those people.
16. I love text messages, at least from some people.
15. I love picture messages even more....
14. My last text message said, "Did you go inside?"
13. I carry a business card case with me all the time.
12. I love to network. I am becoming quite skilled at it.
11. I have a problem remembering names. I hate it when you see people out and they know your name, but you don't know theirs. Weird.
10. I hate unneccessary drama. So, I guess I hate all drama. Isn't it all unnecessary?
9. My son has asthma. It scares me, still. He hasn't had an attack in a long time but when he did he was hospitalized.
8. My daughter got in her first fight last week. She is a pistol.
7. I love my neices and nephews. It makes me sad that I don't seem as much as I wish I could.
6. I believe that Philadelphians constitutes being a yankee. Yep, I said yankee.
5. I love it when I can prove that something that I say is right.
4. I love houses with in-law suites. They are cool.
3. I am afraid of thunderstorms. Tornadoes make me almost puke. Just the thought of them.
2. I love the Melting Pot.
1. I am a big fan of myself. If I am not, who willl be.
Shew, that was hard.