Okay, so here is my first real post. Ali had to work today, which sucks b/c it was Saturday. Anyway, I decided to try to be mother of the year, so I took my kids out the whole day! All by myself! We went to the "Life is Good Pumpkin Festival". It was really cool, and all of the sales of clothing, food, etc. went to HomeAid. It was fun. Then, we went to Snead's Farm - that was an adventure. Tariq jumped off a haystack that was 37 feet tall (on accident). Scary! Then, Ali got home, we went home, and then out to Red Robin for dinner! YEAH! No dishes! Tonight we watched Evan Almighty, and I must say - Awesome and moving movie. Okay, enough of that... Here are the pics...
Barney was waiting at the entrance!

Isabella running to the egg toss...

Tariq won the ring toss! YEAH!

The life is good sign!

Spitting llamas at Snead Farm... I will have to tell you that story Cassie, you will crack up!

Okay, everthing Kinda turned into a minor photo shoot at the farm, there were too many beautiful things, so forgive me if I post too much here!

This jumped freaked me out a little, not as much as the next one later... have to tell you about that, too.

Too small....

Just right... The one that got to come home!